Atractor's column in Gazeta de Matemática, a magazine of the Portuguese Mathematical Society
The publications are in Portuguese, but some of the html versions have an English translation.
40. Polinómios vs. polígonos
Gazeta 199,
March 2023
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
37. Triangles of Napoleon
Gazeta nº 193,
March 2021
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
36. Dinâmica da Função Gama de Euler
Gazeta 191,
July 2020
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
35. Girar sem cair
Gazeta 189,
November 2019
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
34. Filas de dados
Gazeta 187,
March 2019
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
33. Matemática dos Azulejos
Gazeta 186,
November 2018
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
31. Figuras que tremem
Gazeta 184,
March 2018
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
30. Em média
Gazeta 183,
November 2017
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
28. Dinâmica de uma família de exponenciais
Gazeta 181,
March 2017
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
27. Adivinhas com os números
Gazeta 180,
November 2016
html section related to the article (for now, only in Portuguese)
24. Formação Matemática de Nadadores - Salvadores
Gazeta 177,
November 2015
21. Comparando Dois Problemas Geométricos
Gazeta 174,
November 2014
18. 1º Portugal - Itália em GeCla
Gazeta 171,
November 2013
14. Recuperação Matemática do Património
Gazeta 167,
July 2012
13. Projecções num Triângulo
Gazeta 166,
March 2012
12. Áreas e Volumes 2
Gazeta 165,
November 2011
11. Áreas e Volumes
Gazeta 164,
July 2011
8. A Matemática do Futebol
Gazeta 161,
July 2010
7. No Rasto da Tartaruga
Gazeta 160,
April 2010
4. A Matemática do Disfarce
Gazeta 157,
April 2009
3. Iguais e Distintos - a Matemática da Classificação
Gazeta 156,
November 2008
2. webMathematica no Atractor
Gazeta 155,
July 2008