Table of contents
Related pages
3D Kaleidoscopes
Approximations of Pi
Areas - Math without words
Around the wheel
Atractor′s column in Gazeta de Matemática
Atractor′s publications that you may wish to buy
AtrMini - movie
Cars supported on axles
Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality - Math without words
Closing the cube kaleidoscope
Comparing two geometric problems
Conic billiards
Construction of the Moebius strip and other surfaces
Constructions by pin-and-string: conics
Courtesy at stake
Curvature - movie
Curvature and Torsion
Curvature and Torsion
Curvature and Torsion: Easy game
Curvature and Torsion: osculating plane
Curvature and Torsion: The Fundamental Theorem of Curves
Cutting conics
DVD Symmetry - the dynamical way
Euclidean Algorithm
Fermat′s Theorem
Fibonacci sequence
Finite Sums - applets 2D - Math without words
Finite Sums - applets 3D - Math without words
Frenet-Serret frame
GeCla Mini
Geometric Activities with Logo
Geometric Puzzle
Grass, rabbits and foxes
How to rank pages on the web
How to rank pages on the web - Entropy
How to rank pages on the web - The model
How to rank pages on the web: game
Hyperbolic slit
Hyperbolic slit
Identification numbers with check digit algorithms
Identification numbers with check digit algorithms
Infinite Sums - Math without words
Is Pi normal? An open question...
Isomorphic games
Jacobi method
Kaleidoscope of the Tetrahedron
Knot table
Knowing Pi better
Latitude and longitude
Law of Sines
Light and Colour
Lighting conics
Math without words
Mathematical Images
Mathematical Induction
Mathematical Training of Lifeguards
Mathina Project - Initial page
Mercator projection
Minimal Networks
Models of Shells
Modular Arithmetic
Moebius strip
Morley′s Theorem
Morley′s Theorem: generalization
Morley′s Theorem: parallelograms
Movies produced by Atractor
Non-orientability of the Moebius strip
Notable cases of multiplication
Operating with fractions - Math without words
Osculating circle
Other exhibitions
Other publications in Portuguese magazines
Past exhibitions
Pi in base 27
Polygonal sequence
Prey and predator: Vector Field
Prey and predators
Prey and predators: the model without the fishing
Properties of the Moebius strip
Publications in international magazines/conference proceedings
Pythagorean Theorem and Trigonometry: Math without words
Quadratic equations - Math without words
Regular Polyhedra
Representations of surfaces by physical models
Searching digits in the interior of Pi
Shells - game
Sierpinski Attractor
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Sphere projection
Spherical coordinates
Stamping a frieze - the cylinder
Stamping a frieze - the Moebius band
Stamping a rosette
Stamping the plane 1
Stamping the plane 2
Stamping the plane 3
Stamping the plane 4
Steiner′s Problem
Stereographic projection
Tangram: Similarity
Text to Braille translator
The curvature function
The dynamics of a trick
The dynamics of a trick: Considering other bases
The Law of Malthus
The loxodrome
The math of the shells
The mathematics of tides
The number Pi
The Sperner Game
Trace of a curve
Triangles with multiple angles
Your name in PI
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