Guided Tour: Mathematical Expressions

When entering mathematical expressions you must observe the following rules:

  1. to start and finish an expression use $.
  2. do not use spaces nor newlines between letters or digits.
  3. to separate numbers one after the other use the denotation \sepnum.

Try the following example:

The distance can then be computed from a and b by the formula $(a-b)(a+b)$.

When in doubt consult the following table of the denotations most frequently used in expressions. The symbols having the remark keyboard? may be generated by your keyboard and accepted by the translator; please test.

final form input
multiplication \(12\times a\) $12\times a$ keyboard?
not equal \(a\neq b\) $a\neq b$
approximately equal to \(a\approx b\) $a\approx b$
fraction \(\frac{3}{4}\) $\frac{3}{4}$ (1)
square root \(\sqrt{a-2b}\) $\sqrt{a-2b}$
other radicals \(\sqrt[n]{a-2b}\) $\sqrt[n]{a-2b}$
percentage \(45,\!34\%\) $45,34\%$
Euro symbol \(5\times 20\)€ $5\times 20\euro$ keyboard?
angular degree \(90^\circ\) $90\grau$ keyboard?
infinity \(+\infty\) $+\infty$

(1) If your keyboard lets you type each of the fractions 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 as a single character, the translator may also accept them; please test!

With what you have seen so far you can now prepare any text with simple mathematical expressions. You may need to see some more details related to the following topics: