Guided Tour: Exponents and Indices

In mathematical expressions

  1. an exponent is preceded by a circumflex accent.
  2. an index is preceded by an underscore.
  3. both exponents and indices must be within braces if they have more than one character.
  4. if your keyboard produces the characters "a" or "o" you cannot use them as exponents!
  5. if it produces the characters "1", "2" e "3" the translator may accept them as exponents (always in an expression).

Try the following example:

The square of a number n is denoted by $n^2$. The product of two powers of the same base is given by the base to the sum of the exponents: $a^n\times a^m=a^{n+m}$.

Consider two consecutive elements of the sequence S, $s_i$ and $s_{i+1}$.