Summary of Denotations: Character Conversion

Computer keyboards produce characters in a way that depends on the operating system and its configuration. To each character corresponds a code number that may be different from system to system.

To deal with texts coded in the most used systems, the translator converts some of the characters to its own unique representation. As this conversion is made before the phases of analysis and of output generation, it may happen that some error messages in those phases contain those representations instead of the original characters.

The following table describes the possible conversions. Its last column has the decimal code of the character and the encoding: ISO-8859-1 (latin1), ISO-8859-15 (latin9), Windows-1252 (cp1252). A missing encoding means that the code is the same in all of them. Texts in UTF-8 are first converted into ISO-8859-15 and then subject to this conversion.

Euro symbol \euro{} 164 latin9 / 128 cp1252
feminine ordinal .a do not use as exponent! 170
masculine ordinal .o do not use as exponent! 186
exponent 1 ^1 use only in an expression! 185
exponent 2 ^2 use only in an expression! 178
exponent 3 ^3 use only in an expression! 179
fraction 1/4 \frac{1}{4} use only in an expression! 188
fraction 1/2 \frac{1}{2} use only in an expression! 189
fraction 3/4 \frac{3}{4} use only in an expression! 190
multiplication (×) \times{} use only in an expression! 215
product dot (\(\cdot\)) \cdot{} use only in an expression! 183
division (÷) \div{} use only in an expression! 247
plus over minus (±) \pm{} use only in an expression! 177
Greek letter mu \mu{} use only in an expression! 181
degree \grau{} 176
hyphen - 173
dash \(-\) 150 cp1252
large dash \(-\!\!-\) 151 cp1252
curved left quote ` 145 cp1252
curved right quote ' 146 cp1252
curved left quotes `` 147 cp1252
curved right quotes '' 148 cp1252
diamond left bracket < 139 cp1252
diamond right bracket > 155 cp1252
double diamond left bracket « 171
double diamond right bracket » 187
ellipsis \ldots{} 133 cp1252
small tilde \~{} 152 cp1252