Mathematical game refers to a puzzle, a solitaire, a conundrum,
or a game in the usual sense of the term, intended for a playful competition
between two or more people, with some mathematical features, in the sense that
its resolution or the strategies involved do not depend so much on luck as on
Pages in this category
Curvature and Torsion: Easy game
How to rank pages on the web: game
Induction (in Portuguese)
Jogo de simetria (in Portuguese)
Labirintos Digitais - Gazeta de Matemática, 195/2021 (in Portuguese)
Searching digits in the interior of Pi
The Sierpinski Triangle and the Towers of Hanoi
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Actividade: Jogando com números (in Portuguese)
Cortesia em Jogo, Gazeta de Matemática, 7/2013 (in Portuguese)
Indução, Educação e Matemática, 04/05/06/2019 (in Portuguese)
Jogo de Sperner, Gazeta de Matemática, 12/2009 (in Portuguese)
Jogos Isomorfos, Gazeta de Matemática, 3/2013 (in Portuguese)
Matemática Viva - Jogo dos 4 dados (in Portuguese)
Matemática Viva - Torres de Hanói (in Portuguese)
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