Instructions for use of the applet
There is an empty position in the puzzle at all times. The pieces next to that position appear with a yellow border and it is possible to move them into the empty position by clicking or dragging. The pieces with the yellow border are the only ones which can be moved at any moment; we will call them "movable pieces".
If you move the mouse over the figures marked with # you will see an animated gif.
You can play on both of the pictures of the applet, since there is a correspondence between the figure on the plane (see one on the left) and the surface (see one on the right).
# |
The way to move the movable pieces to the empty position depends on the choice made on the menu
If the option chosen is:
# |
# |
In some cases the movable pieces have a choice of two paths to move into the empty position. These situation occur:
In this cases, when the option chosen is:
# | # | ||
movable piece 12 moves horizontally into the empty position. |
movable piece 12 moves vertically into the empty position. |
# | # | ||
movable piece 12 moves horizontally into the empty position. |
movable piece 12 moves vertically into the empty position. |
Note - if a movable piece on the surface is "behind" the empty position then clicking on the surface next to that movable piece will not cause it to move (this is because the program "sees" the empty position as a transparent piece which "prevents" contact with the piece behind).
In this situation the movable piece 11 does not move when you click on
it on the surface. |
To move that piece click or drag the corresponding one on the plane or else rotate the surface so that the piece is now in front. (to rotate choose the option "Rotate, Orbit" in the menu which you obtain by right clicking the right visualization window on a point not on the surface - for more information on how to manipulate the surface, click here ).
this situation you can already click on the movable piece 11. |
If you used the mouse to rotate the surface and you want to play on it again click:
To have a better perspective of the empty position:
# |
On the menu you can make several choices:
# |
# |
To see the image that you are supposed to obtain with the puzzle click:
The window which opens meanwhile can be moved to the most convenient location.
The flag on the upper right hand corner of the applet shows the language chosen. If you wish click on it to choose another language:
# |
By clicking the button, you can choose between:
# |
Return to the initial configuration by clicking:
Normally all windows are hidden behind the window which contains the applet. It is suggested that you shrink or minimize the applet window to have access to the other windows.