Play using 2 computers

In order for a contest with different computers to be possible, a folder needs to be shared between the two players. This can be done in a local area folder, to which both have access, or if such a folder does not exist, in a folder accessed via internet with a Dropbox type system - something that is useful, eg for competitions between students from different schools.

  1. They select the previously shared folder (in Dropbox or elsewhere);
  1. The players write down their name and then select the icon of the "Shared folder".
  1. The first player - player A - creates a competition (clicking the button on the bottom left).
  1. Player A must set the previously agreed upon options for the game between the two players: the number of images and the difficulty level. Then s/he clicks the button ok but
  1. Meanwhile, the other player (B) waits for a message from GeCla. When it appears, he accepts the competition, clicking ok but.
  1. As soon as player B accepts to start the game, player A is notified by GeCla.
  1. Both players start the game. While they are generating the images, they can exchange messages in the GeCla's chat (bottom, left).
  1. After both players finish the generation part, they will receive images from the opponent, to classify.
  1. When both players finish the classification, they receive the results from GeCla.

Dropbox (if necessary!)