\(632\) \(S632\) \(p6\)
This pattern has rotational symmetries of degrees 2, 3 and 6, as well as translations.
The stamp is a triangular pad, with two triangular faces. It is obtained using two similar right scalene triangles glued together at the edges. In this case, the vertices behave like conic points of degrees 2, 3 and 6.
The following applet allows you to choose a motif and then print a path chosen by you.
The motifs can be obtained from five types of images: with letters, from Arabic mosaics from the Alhambra Palace,
prehistoric, similar to
or to
In addition, you can use motifs obtained from images sent by you.
To clarify any doubts about how the applet works, consult the instructions page from the help menu or choose the local help option to access localized help by clicking where you have questions. If instead, you do Alt+F1, just place the mouse over those questions (buttons, specific situations with the stamp, etc.). In this case, if you want to ask a question about another aspect, the mouse must first pass over the viewing area on the right.
This applet uses Javaview
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