Actions on objects are usually the result of dragginng the mouse inside the visualisation window while pressing the left button.

By clicking the right mouse button in the visualization window, a window with other options that can be chosen is opened:

Those options can also be temporarily chosen by using the keyboard. Some codes are:

user action effect on applet
press the "o" key and drag the mouse while clicking the left button rotate around an axis of the figure
press the "s" key and drag vertically zoom
press the "t" key and drag the mouse while clicking the left button translate
press the "x" key and drag until a rectangle is marked zoom the chosen region
press the "w" key starts an animation of the last action performed (rotation, translation, zoom)
press the "q" key stops the animation
press CONTROL+a or F4 shows the panel wich controls animations
press the F1 key opens the Control Panel wich allows changes (for example: camera and objects appearence)
press the F2 key closes the control panel
press the "r" key returns to the initial point of view

user instructions for applets in general.

to change specific properties of objects there mau be, for example, buttons and sliders:

Usually, when the mouse is placed over a button, a message explaining its function appears.

On sliders, their numerical value changes by clicking the arrows and has minimum and maximum default values; these can be changed on the panel wich is obtain by clicking on the respective:

The increment unit ("Unit Incr") shows how much is added or subtracted from the value of the slider each time you click on one of the arrows. In this particular case, the value of the slider varies between 0.0 and 10.0 and, when altered by the arrows, changes by one unit (absolute value).

Usually there is a puzzle of 15 button for each applet. When you click it, you can choose between two options: puzzle of 15 (you access an instruction page about how the appletworks) and puzzle of 15 (you access information about the applet version).